Three investment fundamentals

Three investment fundamentals

Understanding the fundamentals creates a solid investment foundation with better investment expectations.   For those familiar with the game of golf, there is a saying “drive for the show and putt for the dough”. That simply means that a putt can either make or break you on a golf course, not necessarily how hard or […]

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Why holding equities is still a good idea

Why holding equities is still a good idea

Watching the value of your investment tumble over the course of just few days can be a painful experience. The global market crash that we’re experiencing has been unlike anything most seasoned investors have seen before, in its speed and severity. So if you’re new to investing, you certainly wouldn’t have seen an equity sell-off […]

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The pitfalls of emotional investing: Part 2

The pitfalls of emotional investing: Part 2

Mitigating biases: stick to a sound investment plan. Avoiding volatile investments can produce a potential return and may save a significant amount on one’s wealth at retirement Many investors make decisions based on emotional biases that undermine the chance of meeting their investment goals. This is the second in a two-part series considering the risks […]

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The pitfalls of emotional investing: Part 1

The pitfalls of emotional investing: Part 1

Investment decisions can easily be driven by emotions and chance. Time in the market, rather than timing the market, is far more valuable to investors Since investors rarely behave according to financial and economic theory, behavioural finance has grown over the past twenty years. Most investors know that emotion affects the way in which investment […]

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The trouble with switching in and out of funds

The trouble with switching in and out of funds

During periods of underperformance, even the most experienced investors get tempted to switch funds in search of better returns. However, switching funds in response to short-term market conditions can jinx your investment success over the long term. After a flat few years, 2018 was particularly difficult for local investors, with the FTSE/JSE All Share Index […]

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